

Anne-Maree Zofrea, Our Founder


Purify is a place for people to connect with their deepest being and learn to love, honour and respect themselves.

The aim is to help others live freely, independently and joyously thereby becoming more real, authentic and truthful. The goal is to create more meaningful and purposeful lives without the anxiety and overwhelm associated with fear based learnt behaviour such as codependence, people pleasing, manipulation, coercive control, undue influence or unwanted interference.

Our tenets are to promote health, healing, harmony and hope.

Life is created unconsciously by learnt patterns of behaviour formed by beliefs, intentions, thoughts, words, actions, and reactions. At Purify we seek to raise awareness, awaken truth, cultivate authenticity and promote thriving aliveness rather than survival mentality. Our goal is to promote self empowerment, foster positive change, support extreme self care, support peaceful, balanced relationships and help creation of a better reality.

As my grandfather always said: "No one is better than you and you are better than no one, believe this & all is possible" - W. H. Scott

At Purify we teach others to purify their intentions, be discerning and focus forward on what they seek whilst at the same time serve the greater good, act in the energy of love and become a better them than they were the day before.

The pieces of the Purify puzzle have come together to support individual alignment of divinity and humanity in natural surroundings.

We hope Purify becomes a place of empowering transformation and life changing epiphanies for you. May God bless.

With Sincerity, AM.

My vision is to give people the steps, the practical plan to build confidence, faith & belief in themselves, enabling them to reach their full potential & their dreams.
— Anne-Maree Zofrea

dive deep into our APPROACH


Our goal is to create physical health through exercise, nutrition and self-care. As natural therapists, we prescribe diet changes, stress management, herbal, homoeopathic and nutritional medicine. All of these support your body's natural ability to heal and repair itself.



We’re all guided by the same invisible life force, and it controls our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. As energetic healers, we help YOU to remove blockages caused by negative thinking, unhealed trauma and overwhelming stress so you leave feeling light, unburdened and in-flow.



As trained counsellors and natural therapists, we LOVE your uniqueness, appreciate your life experiences, and empathy for your past pain & trauma. We are honoured to apply our clinical knowledge and wisdom to create harmony through healthy communication of truths and self-discovery.



You're not alone, our 1:1 therapies & programs are here to give you hope for the future. We apply mindfulness to all our practices and give you practical steps and tools, to build your sense of self and overall well-being. Ready to reveal your soul's passion and hidden potential? Take the plunge.